Frequent questions about Modern Language

  1. 1.    What is the Modern Language (Idioma Moderno) course about?


The Modern Language course is available to all degree students and is fundamentally aimed at preparing them for an exam in a foreign language (English, French, Italian or German). It is not by any means a conventional language course, as its main objective is to prepare students to pass the exam with the best results possible.


  1. 2.    What exams are taken for each language?

TOEIC for English; TFI for French; Zertifikat Deutsch for German; CILS for Italian.


  1. 3.    Which language should I choose?


Given that you will be receiving an official certificate with your results, you should choose the language in which you have the highest level for this course. However students cannot undergo this course in their mother tongue. A French student for example, cannot choose the French Modern Language course.


  1. 4.    What is the recommended level that one should have to undertake this course?


The level of each student is determined at the level test on the online level test in accordance with the “EU Common framework for language levels”. The levels are as follows: A1 (Basic), A2 (Pre-intermediate), B1 (Intermediate), B2 (High-Intermediate) y C1 (Advanced). A minimum level of B1 is recommended to undertake this course.


  1. 5.    What is the difference between enrolment and signing up to a group?


 Enrolment should be carried out within the dates set by the university, as is the case with all other courses. AFTER this has been carried out, you can sign up to a group by selecting the group (term, campus, days and times) so that you may attend class, be on the lecturer’s list and be evaluated by them.


  1. 6.    When can I enrol?


 Students should enrol in the year that they want to undertake the course and subsequently sign up to one of the courses available that year, be it in the first or second term. Course enrolment is undefined, if a student enrols but does not sign up to a group, they may sign up to one at a later date at no extra cost.


  1. 7.    How and when can I sign up to a group?


Once the general enrolment has been carried out, the student can sign up to a group at any moment within the dates established for each term. This is done via the online application that can be accessed on the URJC main page via this link:


  1. 8.    How many official exams am I allowed to sit?


Students who complete all the course requirements are allowed to sit one official exam per enrolment. It is important to bear in mind that sitting the exam is mandatory once the course has finished. Students must sign up to the final exam via de Modern Language application once their course has ended, otherwise the course will be failed.


  1. 9.    Can I sign up to the exam without attending class?


No, you must attend 80% of the classes in order to be allowed to sign up to the exam. Online students are exempt from this as their progress will be measured via the tools provided on the Virtual Campus and the tasks set by the lecturer.


  1. 10.  What is APTO and what happens if I receive a “NO APTO” on the course?


You can check on the requirements for an APTO in the Course Guide under the “Course Evaluation” section, where you will find the following link that takes you to the course program: If you get a “NO APTO” on the course you will not be allowed to sit the final official exam and you will have failed the course. You would have to enrol and take the course again or, if you have any other recognised language certificates you may ask for their validation following the procedures set out by the university.


  1. 11.  Can I choose the mode of teaching received?


No. Online students will receive online training and regular students must attend class, except for those previously mentioned cases.


  1. 12.  Can I ask for the exam to be reviewed?


Given that this is an official exam, bound to its own regulations, you will not be allowed to see the actual exam, although you can ask for it to be reviewed. Said petition should be carried out within five days from the official publication of grades on the Idioma Moderno application. To do so you must fill in the form that you will received in your email account (



  1. 13.  Will I receive an official certificate that certifies my level once I finish the course?


Yes, students who take the exam will receive an official certificate for it. You will be informed via email about the dates, times and place where the certificates will be available for collection. The certificates will be kept for two years after they have been emitted.


  1. 14.  How can I pass the Modern Language course (6 ECTS)?


To pass the course a student may:

a)     Validate the course.

  1. Take the course. To do so you must:

                                                  i.    Enrol

                                                 ii.    Sign up to a group

                                                iii.    Meet the evaluation requirements: 80% mandatory attendance as well as passing the tests and tasks set by the lecturer.

➢ By meeting these requirements you will gain an APTO. This allows you to sign up to the official exam. o If you achieve the minimum required grade you will have passed the course and receive the corresponding credits. o If you do not achieve the minimum required grade you will have failed the course.

➢ If you don’t meet all of the requirements you will receive a NO APTO. In the case you will not be allowed to do the final exam and will automatically be failed.